Archive for the ‘Brandy’ Category

Late-Night Links

January 31, 2007

If you had to be in rehab with Lindsay Lohan, you’d drink, too. [A Socialite’s Life]

Not only is Britney Spears still dating Jewish actor/model Isaac Cohen, she’s sporting a star of David. Also, I challenge all readers to beat X17’s headline for this one. I don’t feel it’s possible. [X17]

Sienna Miller left her pants at the Factory Girl premiere. [ICYDK]

You always knew Paris Hilton was a racist bitch, but thankfully we now have it all on tape. [WWTDD]

Pete Doherty takes his eight millionth shot at getting sober. If this guy were a stock, I’d short it. [Cele|bitchy]

Brandy is slapped with a $50 million suit by the parents of the woman she killed in a traffic accident late last year. [Bossip]

Jennifer Lopez isn’t a Scientologist, she just throws them her support when they’re boosting her career. [Celebslam]

Brandy to Be Prosecuted in Fatal Car Crash

January 29, 2007

The California Highway Patrol has recommended that singer and sitcom star Brandy be prosecuted for a fatal car crash she caused last month. In late December, Brandy was driving on L.A.’s 405 freeway at 65 mph, but she failed to slow down when the car in front of her did. She hit the car, causing a series of accidents that resulted in the death of a 38-year-old married mother of one. There was no evidence of drugs or alcohol involved, and Brandy was not arrested at the scene.

However, today the CHP recommended that Brandy be prosecuted for misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter. If convicted, Brandy could potentially face a year in an L.A. county jail and a fine of $1000, which I’m sure is far, far less punishment than living in Brandy’s head is right now.

Late-Night Links

January 25, 2007

Those folks who took over Paris Hilton’s storage locker when she forgot to pay the monthly fee on it have finally released the info they found within. Among it: pictures of Paris smoking a tampon. [Gawker]

Rose McGowan’s looking a little ragged these days. [popbytes]

Jen Aniston’s rep is just plain tired of lying. He admits his client had a nose job this weekend. [The Superficial]

Singer Brandy was the cause of a disturbing Los Angeles wreck. No, not Moesha. [Bossip]

Look, I tried, but I can’t beat Seth and Mark on this, so I’m just going to steal their headline: ABC Sends Isaiah Washington to Gayhab. [Defamer]

Clearly the most effective way to get your estranged wife to seek help for her drinking problem is to whine about it to Star magazine. Right, K-Fed? [IBBB]

Hugh Hefner takes time out of his busy day to call Kelly Osbourne ugly. [Agent Bedhead]