Archive for the ‘O.J. Simpson’ Category

Late-Night Links

December 20, 2006

Ron Goldman’s family takes another stab at suing O.J. Simpson. Har har. [A Socialite’s Life]

Kim Cattrall says the Sex and the City movie is back on. [Hollywood Backwash]

Mel Gibson learns he may have a 29-year-old daughter as the result of a one-night stand in the ’70s. Much to my chagrin, she’s not Jewish. [Defamer]

Britney Spears desperately needs PR representation to help her better craft her lies. [Cele|bitchy]

Joel Madden removes himself from Nicole Richie for long enough to help ex-girlfriend Hilary Duff drop the restraining order against her stalker. [Pop on the Pop]

Lindsay Lohan hopes your Christmas is adequite. [The Gilded Moose]

Pictures of Christina Aguilera trashed out of her head always have an endearing quality to them. Britney ought to take lessons. [Yeeeah!]

Yes…That Was a Bad Idea.

November 20, 2006

“If I Did It,” the book where OJ Simpson essentially confessed to the murders of his wife and Ronald Goldman has been cancelled. News Corp. today decided that not only was the book a bad idea, but also the two-part TV Special that was to air during sweeps before the Nov 30th publication of the book. Rupert Murdoch, News Corp Chairman, stated today,

“I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project. We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.”

Thankfully this mess has come to an end. I don’t know who OJ Simpson thinks he is but in no way is it a good idea to confess in a book and on televison to killing the mother of your children.


O.J. Simpson is a Seriously Disturbed Individual

November 15, 2006

Mr. Orenthal James refuses to disappear into obscurity, and, if that means he has to keep bringing up that whole yeah-I-killed-my-wife thing, then that is what will happen. Honestly, can someone just take one for the team and give this guy a movie role already?

According to the AP, Fox plans to broadcast a two-part interview with Simpson in which he will regale us all with tales of “how he would have committed” the brutal murders of his ex-wife and her friend, Ron Goldman. Simpson has agreed to an “unrestricted” interview with book publisher Judith Regan (who I had the distinct pleasure of meeting last year, and who would probably kill your wife, too, if it helped her close a deal).

The interview will air November 27 and 29. This all comes, of course, at the head of the tidal wave that is O.J.’s forthcoming book, If I Did It (Can you guess the publisher? Can you? Think real hard.), in which The Juice “hypothetically describes how the murders would have been committed.”

O.J. can, of course, go on and on about all this for as long as he damn well pleases, as double jeopardy laws prevent him from ever being convicted of the disgusting crime he clearly wants the world to know he committed. And Judith Regan is happy to collect the money you’ll pay to listen.