Archive for the ‘Jimmy Kimmel’ Category

Andy Dick: High or Crazy?

February 4, 2007

I’m just not sure. I’m never sure with him. Check out this video of Andy being forcibly escorted off the set of Jimmy Kimmel’s show after getting a little handsy with Ivanka Trump (who, despite all the shit I talk about her, always manages to come off very classy and artciulate).

Jimmy Kimmel’s K-Fed Haterade

November 22, 2006

Check out Kimmel’s mucho funny Federline-drowning monologue at last night’s AMAs.

Pam Anderson Really Likes This Outfit

November 15, 2006

Last night, Pam Anderson wore this gold ensemble both to Hyde and on Jimmy Kimmel’s talk show. I suppose the real question is, which did she do first? From her behavior on Jimmy’s show, I sure hope she was doing some drinking beforehand.