Archive for the ‘Ludacris’ Category

Barack Obama and Ludacris: Together at Last

December 1, 2006

The world deserves a break from Britney Spears’ vagina, and what could possibly be more removed from that than a 2008 presidential candidate and a rapper?

Obama, now in the early stages of what will almost certainly be a bid for the 2008 Democratic ticket, met privately with rapper Ludacris on Wednesday in Chicago. Says Luda: “We talked about empowering the youth.”

CNN amusingly points out that both have won Grammy awards: Obama for spoken-word readings from his memoir, Dreams from My Father (and you will be hearing a lot more about his father as his candidacy progresses), and Ludacris for his verse on “Yeah!”.

Luda said meeting with Obama was like meeting with a relative. Obama declined to comment after the meeting.

I’d say this is evidence of Obama’s early efforts to score the Black vote, but, um, yeah.

Ludacris in Miami

November 6, 2006

Some kick-ass Evil Beet fans (read: my friends) sent in these pictures of Ludacris they snapped while vacationing in Miami. Here we figure we’ll have all the crazy celeb encounters living in L.A., and then they happen when we’re on vacation! Check out the funny story behind the pics:

“So we’re walking down the street in Miami past this Mexican restaurant. Victoria says, “did you see Ludacris sitting over there?” he was with a big group of people. We decided we should stop for some margaritas. We tried to discretely take a picture of him by pretending we were taking a picture of us and having the camera pointed at him. So we got the picture after a few tries and thought we were slick. Then they finished eating and they got up and Lucacris walked over to out table and says, “Do you want to take another picture of me, this time with me actually looking at the camera?” We were sooooo caught off guard and couldn’t believe he caught us. Haha. so here are the pictures. The first one is the one we thought we were slick about, but as you can see he’s looking right at the camera with a “I see you biatches taking a picture of me” look on his face. Definitely one of the highlights of my trip to Miami. =)”